Two is better than one

The high chair for the baby food, the car seat, but also the stroller: the essential accessories when you move with a child are numerous and their transportation is demanding and tiring. It is important, therefore, to organize themselves to the best to ensure fast and serenity journeys.

Better to have two

If the child, usually, spends a lot of time at the home of other people who care for him, such as grandparents, it is advisable to duplicate everything necessary for his day, from the high chair to the car seat, from an essential wardrobe to the second stroller, from toys to diapers.

Leaving everything at the grandparents' house will avoid massacre transfers of objects and accessories. For the second home, we can choose basic products, cheaper and more manageable, without naturally neglecting safety and quality.

The second stroller, better light

Even when traveling or traveling outside the city, it is better to opt for a second stroller that, compared to the classic, must be lighter and easier to handle. The stroller, in fact, is among the most bulky items and could by itself occupy a large part of the trunk, creating many difficulties.

It is better to choose, as an alternative to the classic stroller, a second light stroller , not bulky, which takes up little space either in the car or in a holiday home.

The second high chair, better foldable

Also with regard to the high chair , it is better to choose an easily foldable version, comfortable to carry, to leave in a corner when not in use, light but safe for the little one.