Where experts and parents meet
The Chicco Research Centre is located in Italy but has an international outlook. It focuses on the needs of children and encourages
the direct involvement of parents. It also draws on the expertise of medical professionals and academics.
The contribution of external partners enables us to widen our knowledge of all facets of parenting, anything in fact that concerns the care of children and the well-being of the parents. Our constant dialogue with parents gives us a better understanding of the needs of parents and children. We are then better placed to offer innovative solutions and help them in everyday life through advice and constant support.
An Ingredient of growing concern globally - Phenoxyethanol
Playing is a key activity that allows the baby to know the world and himself and to gain always new abilities.
Weight and length: knowing the dimensions of the foetus
From the psychological point of view weaning is the first important moment of partial detachment and therefore of autonomy from the maternal figure. Here are some tips to guide your child towards the acquisition of independence, starting with the table.
Switching from the bottle to the glass, for each child, is an important step towards acquiring a new autonomy. Some advice to help you drink from the glass.
Weaning is a very delicate path, not only from a nutritional point of view: it is a first, important step towards autonomy.
A lunch outside the home, from the grandparents, to the restaurant: the first meals outside the home require an important organizational effort. Some advice to organize it and manage it better.
The child will soon learn to associate the highchair with the time of feeding, so it is important to create a ritual to be respected at every meal.
Preparing meals is a daily act of love. But finding the time for an accurate preparation is hard!
Training children to taste, getting them to know a wide range of flavors, is essential for stimulating them to appreciate any kind of food.
Cutlery designed for weaning, colorful and joyful, will become the companions in this new experience.
This article is produced by the Association "Pollicino" of Italy.
Natural Sensation: Inspired by Vernix Caseosa Mother’s Womb Like Protection from Day 1
The baby's skin has different features from an adult's one, and requires specific care and attention. The area covered by the nappy is more prone to irritations and reddening.
The daily bath, especially in the first months of life, is a moment of pampering and relaxation for mum and baby.
The daily hygiene of the newborn is important and requires a lot of attention and delicacy.
Cuddles and caresses are the first mean of affective communication between mum and her baby and strengthen their bond.
Tact is one of the most important senses that develops already in the embryonic phase. Cuddles and caresses, therefore, are the first means of affective communication between mother and child and strengthen their bond.
Freeing his nose from excess mucus ensures a regular breathing, a calm sleeping, relaxed attitude towards food
How to protect your baby from those annoying companions of our summers.
Fever is the natural and useful defence of the immune system from aggressions of viruses and bacteria, but it can frighten parents....
In winter, colds and coughs in children are almost inevitable, but we can try to contain them, even by monitoring the humidity in the home.
To protect children from allergies and respiratory diseases, attention must be paid to the air that can be breathed even within the home. Some advice to ensure healthier air at home and in the children's room.
The fever in the child arrives unexpected and unwelcome, especially the weekend, creating apprehension and difficulty of parents. Some advice to address it.
As long as the temperatures are warm, it is essential to protect the skin of the youngest from mosquitoes. Let's see how.
The daily walk is not a simple pastime but it is a source of stimuli and precious experiences for the child. Here's how to organize it to the fullest.
Carrying everything that is needed for children is tiring and demanding. Whenever possible, it is better to duplicate the accessories or choose to be easy to handle and light.
Ultra-compact closed, and comfortable in use. Find out how to choose the best light stroller for agile, fast and serene travel.
His daily stroll is not a mere entertainment, but is a source of precious stimuli and experiences for the baby.
Bringing the baby into the baby carrier allows close physical contact, positive for the parent, reassuring for the baby, rewarding for both.
The baby carrier allows a close physical contact, positive for the parent, reassuring for the baby, gratifying for both of them
When traveling with an infant in the car, you need to follow some important precautions to ensure safe and peaceful trips.
Some valuable advice to find the safest model for your child and best suited to your needs
(Groups 2/3). "Mom are great!" Advice and suggestions for choosing the right child seat from 3 years upwards
Movement sickness can create discomfort and malaise by car, train, ship, or even the playground. Some precautions to follow to avoid car sickness to children.
Protecting your child is one of the many ways to say 'I love you'!
Especially during the first months of life, some nurturing is necessary. Find out which ones!
Dark - light alternation helps the baby to reach the correct asleep/awake rhythm
Sleeping close to your child is recommended, but taking it to the Latvian is not safe for the child
In his small bouncer, the child begins his first sensory experiments, close to his mother.
The children love to imitate the daily activities of mum and dad and put all their effort into it.
Through play, the child improves his skills, learns and grows.
The daily bath, especially during the first months, is a moment of cuddling and relax for both mum and baby.
During weaning, the child must learn a new way to eat using tools that were previously unknown by him.
In order to perform nursing in the best possible way, it is vital that the baby is attached to the breast in the correct way.
ven if the great advantages of breast feeding are well known, there are conditions in which mums are forced or prefer employ bottle feeding.
Sometimes integrating breast milk with formula milk may be required…
The benefits of the soother in the development of the small and some advice to use it in the right way.
Getting used to the movement from an early age is fundamental to our children's future health.
Breastfeeding offers innumerable benefits and benefits, not only from the nutritional point of view but also psychophysical and relational for mother and child. Let's see why.
The feeding is not only an instinctive need of the child but a precious moment of knowledge and communication between the mother and her baby. Some advice to better experience the moment of breastfeeding.
While they are approaching the end of their pregnancy, several women report sleep disorder.
There are a lot of parents wondering which is the ideal place for sleeping
During his first months, the cot, small and embracing, is the ideal place to sleep in.
Sucking is a natural instinct. It allows the child to feed himself but it has also the function to comfort and calm him and contributes to the correct formation of both palate and mouth.
When the bump begins to be heavy, the posture taken by the future mum can lead to an annoying bad ache.
When approaching the end of pregnancy, mum and dad feel instinctively the need to prepare the room and the environment in function of the baby.
It is possible to keep on feeding the baby using the precious milk from his mother, even if she went back to work or she needs to leave the baby for a while.
Some advice to feel at ease and in balance with your body, to feel good and beautiful even during pregnancy.
Before departure, it is important to take care of some organizational aspects to better cope with a long car ride with your child.
During his first months, each single daily discovery is a key element for the development of the baby.
4 simple rules to follow in the use and installation of the car seat to ensure safe and peaceful travel.
Playing during his bath is really amusing for our child and helps him to get acquainted with water.
Driven by his desire to explore his environment, the baby test his still hesitant motor skills...
Suggestions, ideas and games you can do at home while spending quality time with your children.
Board games help children perfect their abilities and set the foundation for acquiring social skills.
Cesarean section is becoming increasingly widespread: is it preferable to natural childbirth? Find out with the advice from the experts at Chicco's Baby Research Center.
Learn how to recognise the symptoms, to prevent and treat colic in babies thanks to the advice and remedies of the experts of the Chicco Baby Research Center.
Find out how much a baby has to sleep and why sleep is so important
Find out what the first symptoms of pregnancy are and how to manage with them
For newborns, close contact with the mother is a fundamental need, and helps promote emotional and cognitive development
How your little one changes in the first 3 months of life
In newborns, breathing is an important factor in ensuring normal growth, right from the very first few months of life.
The right advice for training and staying in shape when pregnant.
The right diet is important during breastfeeding, to ensure the mother’s general well-being: tips and advice from the experts at Chicco’s Baby Research Center.
"Clothing for pregnancy: how to choose maternity clothes. A guide for navigating maternity fashion and knowing how to choose the most suitable clothing during pregnancy. "
Before getting in the car, make sure you have everything you need to travel safely and ensure your baby’s well-being. Here’s a list that can help you travel with peace of mind.
Find out how to organise a baby shower with ideas from our experts.
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Explore the best tips for choosing the best face cream for your baby's skin. Checkout our collection of baby skin care products.
Discover Sweet Beginnings with Chicco's baby shower gift ideas. Gift thoughtful baby care gifts for parents-to-be.
Explore secure parenting with the best baby strollers from Chicco. Discover safe and stylish strollers. Visit Chicco.in today.
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Discover why baby laundry detergent is essential for gentle care. Get expert tips from Chicco India for the best baby care solutions.
Learn the best advice for choosing the perfect baby shampoo with our guide to Baby Bath Essentials. Visit Chicco.in for top-quality products.
Explore the variations between cribs and cots with Chicco.in. Find out what parents should consider before selecting the perfect choice for their infant's sleep.
Explore the most comprehensive guide for parents in selecting the ideal baby bouncer. Find expert advice and top picks at Chicco.in.