The corner of the baby food for weaning

Since the child is habitual and needs certainties, it can be useful to facilitate weaning to create a sort of rite of papa, establishing a specific place in the house where you can always feed the child , using the same methods and the same tools, from the high chair to the dishes, in an atmosphere of calm, serenity and sharing.

The role of the high chair

The high chair plays an important role because the child associates it, in an immediate and instinctive way, with the moment of feeding, immediately recognizing it as the specific place of this activity.

Sometimes, when the baby cries for hunger, it is enough to have him sit in the chair so that he can calm down and mature the awareness that he will soon be able to eat.

It is important not only that the high chair is comfortable and safe, that it can adjust and change following the baby's growth, turning into a baby bouncer in the first months and then into a chair, when the child is able to maintain a more upright position.

At table with brothers, mom and dad

As soon as possible it is recommended to bring the high chair to the table where mum, dad, and maybe the brothers are eating, to create a first moment of sharing at the table and encourage learning thanks to emulation: how to use cutlery, what to do and what not. It is therefore very important to set a good example, also from the nutritional point of view.