When approaching the end of pregnancy, mum and dad instinctively feel the need to prepare the room and the environment in function of the baby.
After the third quarter of pregnancy has started and interesting phenomenon, which is called “nesting”, taking inspiration from what happens in animal live: the future mum feels the need to prepare the “nest”, that is she prepares room and environment in function of the baby. It is not only a mere practical organizational attitude, but rather a psychological process of preparation and concentration on what is going to happen.
The father may be involved in these preparation stages: this will be a way to become aware of the presence of the baby.
The mother, in fact, lives the presence of the baby, even if gradually, in a very direct way, feeling his movements and his presence. For the father the awareness of fatherhood comes more difficult. That's why the father can attend visits with the gynaecologist: through the ultrasound image and listening to the movements of the baby he can live a completely new and engaging experience. Or he can take part in the shopping for the birth list or in preparing the " suitcase " for the hospital or the baby's room.
The start of preparation is a really individual choice, some couples get informed and begin choosing right from the first months, other couples arrive right at the last minute. What must be kept in account is that, during the last few weeks you can feel the bump and shopping may become more tiring, that's why it is advisable to not face everything during the last few days.