A strong bond from the very start guarantees a sense of trust and safety

For nine months, your baby has lived in symbiosis with you. Although no longer inside your body, he or she still needs to feel that you are physically close , to feel comforted and protected. Close contact with you helps your baby to grow up peacefully and happily, laying the foundations for him or her to become a contented, independent and resilient adult.


The bond between mother and child is important for both

In newborns, close contact with the mother is essential as it promotes the correct development of the areas of the brain responsible for learning and for the ability to adapt and respond to stress. For mothers too, this closeness is very valuable, as it triggers the circuits in the brain that are in charge of care of offspring , empathy and anxiety control.


Embraced and protected from the very first days of life

The bond between mother and child develops naturally, and the habit of carrying your little one against your body serves to enhance this. Baby wearing – the clue is in the name – not only promotes the emotional and cognitive development of the child, but also encourages correct physical development.


With baby wearing, baby's posture is natural and physiological

What are the key reasons for carrying baby in a baby carrier ? A suitable baby carrier which envelops the little one perfectly against the mother's body not only encourages cuddling and constant contact, but also promotes the proper development of baby's hips, supports the back and keeps the neck and head in the correct position, leaving the airways clear .