During his first months, the cot, small and embracing, is the ideal place to sleep in.
The moment of sleeping is important, as the environment the baby sleeps in is important, above all during his very first months of life when actually the baby spends most of his time sleeping. While he was in the tummy of his Mum, space was certainly limited and cramped but also very embracing and reassuring, that's why the cot is the ideal place where the baby can sleep because, due to its reduced dimension, it welcomes him and embraces him fully.
The cot, right because it's not too bulky, can be placed next to the big bed, so both the baby feels safe and the mother is happy to be able to touch, caress, and check on the baby at all times. Co-sleeping makes everything easier: night-time feeding , frequent awakenings, soothing, and cuddling. And his sleeping is safer.
But not only that, a handy and light cot, easy to be transported, is also ideal for moving around at home and outdoors, for a holiday or a day with the grandparents. The baby will rest peaceful and at ease in a known and familiar place, even if not at home, allowing the parents to enjoy some pleasant social moment, always bringing their little one with them...